History of V.

For the Vitraglyphic process I think there is more future than history but a sense of time and place helps set the scene. If my timeline seems somewhat Solheim Lab biased it is because they are more free with their information.

2010, 24 Jun:
Shapeways offers 'glossy black and white' glass as a material option for customers
2010, 14 April:
Shapeways offers 'matt white' glass as material option for customers
2010, 28 Mar:
Solheim lab win the Newcomer award in Bullseye's emerge competition
2010, 11 Jan:
Urban glass magazine run a story on Vitraglyphic 3DP
2009, 17 Dec:
more glass like results (glossy appearance)

2009, 06 Nov: 
Vitraglyphic tests using Bullseye glass (a very popular glass used by glass artists)
2009, 20 Oct: 
Solheim lab try out Spectrum glass (another popular artisan glass)
A new kiln schedule trialled to attempt a translucent glass
2009, 18 Oct: 
Artist Mehan Trainor's first glass print
2009, 29 Sep:
 the Vitraglyphic process was born at the Solheim lab using recycled glass
2008, 01 April:
Shapeways open up, making 3D printing available to home users
Reprap open source project
Z Corporation produce the 'Spectrum Z510'
The term 3D Printing was beginning to be used.
Z corporation buy licence off MIT and start developing 3D printers
MIT patent '3 Dimensional Printing techniques'
Charles Hull patents 'Stereolithography'